Tips for Preparation & Search

As someone who is exploring your options, you may not be sure what you want to do. And yet (!), trying things is the best way to experiment, learn by doing, and gather information that will lead you to your next informed step. These articles from your WashU Career Exploration coaches offer food for thought and ideas for making personal progress.

Managing Time for your Exploration and Search

It’s tricky to balance necessary daily tasks with nebulous future planning. This kind of project doesn’t happen like an all-nighter. It has to happen a bit at a time – like a side hustle. 

Consider these time management strategies.

Preparing for a WashU Career Fair

Fairs are an opportunity to see what’s out there, practice professional interaction, and grow in comfort and confidence.

Learn what to expect and how to prepare.

10 Tips for Making the Most of Your WashU Break

A pause during or between college semesters is a thing of beauty, so it’s important to enjoy down time. However, once you have a few Netflix marathons under your belt you might feel ready to do something productive with your time.

Here are some tips for making the most of break.

Using AI/ChatGPT for your Search and Application

Advanced AI has led to a new era of career development.

Check out these tips and prompts to get started.

Planning for Summer

Exploration and experimentation are necessary for future decision making and summer is prime time to try something new. You’ll want to try stuff, learn from the good and the hard, reflect, and make meaning of your experiences.  

These ideas will get your wheels turning.