Career Development

Christine Keller

Director, Career Communities & Career Development

Christine Keller is the Director of Career Communities & Career Development. She seeks to inspire students to explore careers, make connections, meet alumni, and feel a sense of belonging. Her mission is to connect students to their ideas and goals for the future, even in times of uncertainty, through innovative programming, collaborative partnerships, and active listening.

With more than 25 years in higher education, Christine is a certified career management coach who has presented at the National Career Development Association conference on liberal arts employability, career innovation, and career development as a retention tool. In 2016, she attended the NACE Career Management Leadership Institute.

With her foreign language degree, she wants to communicate with students in their own language, figuratively if not literally, and with a Master of Arts in Counseling, she seeks to support them throughout the lifelong process of self-discovery and career discernment.

Christine champions equity, innovation, and wellness in her community as an elected school board vice president of her local school district. Along with her husband, she enjoys spending time with their two daughters, traveling and catching live shows. He’s a great chef, always whipping up something new, and she’s a baker who wants to pass down the family recipes.

Affinity Groups

First-Generation & Limited Income


Phone Number
Danforth University Center 110